Presented papers at various International conferences including ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICALL SCIENCES New Delhi , 2009 and 2012 and Bangalore 2016 for their conferences on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine and WORLD ALLERGY ORGANISATION OF US for their conferences on Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 2010 and 2012 at Dubai and Hyderabad, National conferences on pulmonary diseases at Bhubaneswar and Chennai, Indo Global Health Care summit and Expo , International conference in 2014 at Hyderabad. He has been given award for Excellence in Health Care by the Organizers of the International conference. He has also presented paper at AIIMS New Delhi, for their International conference on Multidisciplinary Health Care 2014 and 2016 and many others as stated below:
He has presented papers at international cancer conferences , Indo global cancer therapy conference at Hyderabad and Global cancer conference at Bengalore November 2015, International conference on Radiation Oncology and Anti-Cancer Therapy , at Dubai in the year 2016 November 21st and 22nd , In addition to the above, he has presented papers ( Video presentations ) at 25th World Congress on CANCER SCIENCE AND THERAPY and 10th World Congress on BIOMARKERS & CLINICAL RESEARCH Conference at Baltimore USA 18th – 20 October 2017, INNOVATE CANCER THERAPY conference at Brisbane , Australia , 29th 30th November, 2017 . His has been taken as an Advisory Board Member. In addition to the above, sent video presentations to International Conference on Pharmacological Pathways of Conventional and Alternative Medicines in Cancer Treatment and Cancer Therapy Conference Osaka Japan during July 2018. And also, the organizers of Cellular therapies , Cancer, Stem Cells and Bio Medical Engineering International conference took place at New York USA, have taken me as one of their members of their Organizing committee and included my name in their renowned speakers and many more.
He has devised exercises by which the excess mucus ( Hyper Secretion of Mucus ) , a major pathological feature of Airway diseases formed as a result of Inflammation and responsible for various respiratory diseases, can be drained out within minutes from upper airway passages mouth, nose and pharynx, the primary sites of colonization of pathogens , the sinuses, the weigh stations to the brain and the traceo bronchial tree resulting in normal breathing.
He says Exercises are alternative and complimentary. His article MANAGEMENT OF MUCUS RELATED RESPIRATORY HEALTH PROBLEMS THROUGH SINUSES AND AIRWAYS CLEANING EXERCISES has been published in INTERNARTIONAL JOURNAL NAMAH dt. 15th October 2010 and revised article AIRWAY MUCUS HYPER SECRETION AND ITS MANAGEMENT THROUGH EXERCISE INTERVENTIONS dated 24th April 2015 by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Integral Health and Research, Pondicherry. The journal is indexed. Further , his article on “ EXPERIENCES AND REFLECTIONS OF A SELF MADE HEALTH CARE SPECIALIST has been published in the journal dt 15th July 2017 . He has demonstrated exercises on a few patients at the Institute and the patients could get relief within minutes. He has been issued a certificate to the said effect by Dr Vandana, the in charge of the Institute. He is treating patients at Mega Health camps organized by Lions Clubs International Gandhinagar, Hyderabad and others.